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Healing from Ostomy Surgery




     Understanding the phases of recovery from the hospital to home


By Anita Prinz, RN, MSN, CWOCN


      Over    120,000   people    of   all   ages undergo   ostomy surgery every year in  the   United   States.   Ulcerative colitis,   Crohn’s disease and colorectal cancer are the most common reasons.  Many ostomies are temporary while others are permanent. Either way, having an ostomy is a life-altering experience that affects individuals   physically and psychologically. Healing from an ostomy takes time and patience. Living life with   an   ostomy   is a personal journey.


Physical Healing

   What happens when the surgeon creates a stoma? You are probably aware   that the surgeon cut your intestines and brought the end through an opening in your abdomen. A simple description is that the plumbing in your body has been reworked.  Where digested  food  was  once  excreted  through  your  anus, it is now  diverted  through  a stoma  on your abdomen. Think of the gastrointestinal tract as a long tube where food goes in one end, the mouth, then nutrients are absorbed and finally your body excretes the remains of your digested food. It’s amazing that food goes in one end smelling and tasting so wonderful and then comes out not so wonderful.

    Stomas can be created by several different surgical techniques; the most common is the Brooke technique where the end of the intestine is brought through a surgically created hole in the rectus abdomens muscle and then through the skin on your abdomen, inverted like a turtleneck   sweater   and   sewn   into   place.   The procedure takes place through a large midline incision or laparoscopic ally. The incision is stapled closed and an ostomy pouch is applied to the stoma.

   The next day, you wake up to a very sore belly, with dressings  and  tubes  poking  into  your  abdomen and down  your  nose  and  a pouch  on  your  belly  covering your  new  stoma.  At this  stage,  you  just  need  to  rest and  let your body  recover  from the  trauma  of surgery and   anesthesia.  Your   intestinal   function   has   been traumatized by the surgery and effects of anesthesia and takes approximately 24-72 hours to wake up and start functioning again. The first sign of awakening intestines is flatus or gas. There might be stool in your pouch already. The doctors and   nurses   will be examining   your   stoma   and   checking to see if you have passed gas. You may  hear  sounds  from  the  stoma  area  or notice  that  the  pouch  is blowing  up like  a  balloon  and  you  didn’t  think you  were  full of hot air! After flatus returns,   soon   comes   the   stool   – usually   liquid   with   a   vengeance.

Now the fun begins!


First Challenges

   Getting acquainted with your stomais  one  of  your  very  first  challenges. A “text-book”  stoma  is  red,  moist  and protrudes  about  one inch with the opening pointing   straight   out.   Stomas   come   in  all  and  shapes,   just  like  belly  buttons.   Some are round, some oval, some innies and some outies. Looking at a stoma,  touching  it or seeing it expel stool are very private  matters,  but it seems  that everyone  in the hospital is now doing just that. The WOC nurse may comment on what a beautiful stoma you have and even suggest you name it, maybe Charlie or Rosy.

   Anatomically, there  are  no  nerve  endings   in  the stoma, so when you dare to touch it for the first time you might be surprised  that you  don’t  have  any sensation. Control over when  and where  to pass stool is lost also. The stool comes when it wants to, without any notice or control,  but typically after eating. You will get to know your own patterns.  Learn to love your stoma as it most likely saved your life!

Learning how to change  the ostomy appliance is the next  challenge. The  purpose  of an  ostomy  appliance or pouch  is to keep you clean,  dry and smelling pretty. Everyone learns  differently, but ostomy management is definitely a “hands-on” experience. Some doctors seem to think ostomy  management is a no-brainer, just peel the  back  off the  pouch  and  stick it on.  A technically simple  process,  but not always  so easy. A WOC  nurse will teach you the basics of emptying  and changing  the appliance in  the  hospital.  The  less  leakage  problems you  have  in  the  hospital,  the  easier  the  transition  to home will be.


Colostomy New Patient Guide


   Once  you  come  home,  you  may  be  experiencing post-traumatic shock  about  what  has  really  happened to your  body  and  what  other  treatments  you  may  be needing. Despite  your hospital  education, you may be bewildered by your new ostomy and its activities. Many people balk at the first change, claiming they can’t see the stoma. Spouses, family members  and home care nurses often help out for the first few weeks while you recover physically and  emotionally and   notice   some   mucous.  This  is  quite   normal   as the  tissue  of  the  rectum  and  colon  don’t  know  that it’s  not   being   used   anymore   and   still  continue  to produce mucous. Diarrhea    and   constipation  can   still   occur, but ileostomates are  more  prone   to  food  blockages.   All ostomates   will  need  to  relearn  their  bowel  habits  as both  gas and  stool pass through  their stomas  and  they won’t  be  using  toilet  paper the same way again!  Eventually, it’s  time   to  be brave and overcome your fears  or become dependent on  someone else  to  do  the “dirty work.”

 Generally, people  learn to change their ostomy  appliance standing or sitting in front of the bathroom  mirror. Practice, humor and a dash of patience  are essential, but no gloves are required! Bathroom  habits are just not socially  acceptable topics. Some patients feel dirty all the time. Individuals who are fanatical with being clean  have  a  very  difficult appliance standing  or sitting in front of the  bathroom mirror. Practice, humor and a dash of patience are essential, but no gloves are required!

     Once  your stoma  has assumed  its rightful size and shape, about six to eight weeks after surgery, you might decide  to  order  precut  pouches to  end  the  “arts  and crafts” ritual  of cutting  a hole  in the  wafer.  Shopping for  an  ostomy   appliance  is  another   daunting   task. There are so many different manufacturers and systems to  choose   from  that   it  can   be  overwhelming.  The language of ostomy care is almost foreign and confusing. Some  mail order  catalogues  have  80  plus  pages  of ostomy products.

  The hospital  gives you a transparent, “one-size-fits- most” ostomy pouch. When you have mastered the technique of changing  the ostomy appliance, you may switch  to an  opaque pouch  so you  don’t  have  to see the  stool.  Let’s be  honest,  who  really  likes to look  at poop? Other options for colostomates are to use closed- end  pouches which  are removed  and  discarded rather than  emptied.  Your WOC  nurse  can  help  you  find an appliance that’s right for your body and lifestyle.

    Stool patterns  usually return to pre-surgery  patterns, perhaps  once  or  twice  daily  for colostomates. Ileostomates will have a more liquid or mushy stool consistency (the  colon  is  no  longer  absorbing   water from your diet) and will empty their pouch  an average of four to eight times per day. If your anus is still intact, you  will experience the  urge to defecate  on  occasion and notice some mucous time  adjusting  to  life with  an  ostomy.  While  ostomy pouches are designed  to be odor proof and waterproof, they  are  not  self-cleaning.  Some  ostomates  choose  to rinse  out  their  pouches after  emptying,  others  empty and  go on their way. Manufacturers  do not encourage rinsing  as the  pouchs  are  designed  to be  odor  proof. Accepting  the fact that you will have  stool in the front and not inside is another emotional hurdle to overcome. Pouch covers, specially designed underwear, binders and opaque pouches are helpful here.


Psychological Adaptation

Much of your emotional healing will depend on If your surgery was planned or due to an emergency. Other   factors  that  impact   your  psychological  well- being  are your age, relationship status, social  support, the reason for your ostomy and how you view yourself. If  your  surgery  was  planned, your  surgeon  or Wound Ostomy  Continence (WOC) nurse may have explained the surgical  procedure and  what  an ostomy  is. If your surgery was done emergently, you had  no preparation and   may  be  quite   shocked   when   you  awoke   from surgery. Individuals who are physically and emotionally prepared for life with an ostomy  adapt  much  easier  to their stomas than those who are not.

  Accepting  and   adapting   to  life  with  a  stoma   is an  enormous task.  So much  has  changed – the  way your  body  looks,  how  you  use  the  bathroom, maybe your  clothing,  diet  and  your  self-image.  You may be concerned that people  look at you differently. You may experience frequent ostomy leaks which   make   you very anxious  about  going out in public. You might feel that your body is not normal  and  that you don’t fit in. You might also have fears that others are aware  of your pouch  or that you might be pooping  in public!


Altered Image

   Having a stoma requires a great deal of psychological adaptation and  adjustment. Grieving  the  loss of your body  image  as  it once  was  is a  normal  process.  You might also be grieving the loss of a smooth  abdomen, body  parts,  maybe  even  having  a  belly  button.  C.M. Parkes describes1 five stages individuals go through with an altered body image:

• Realization  – avoiding or denying the loss followed by experiences of unreality or blunting.

• Alarm – characterized by anxiety, restlessness,  fear and insecurity.

• Searching – acute episodic  feelings of anxiety and panic and a preoccupation with loss.

• Grief – feelings of internal loss and mutilation.

• Resolution – efforts to construct a new social identity.

It takes time to heal from ostomy surgery both physically  and emotionally. Talking to other ostomates, your WOC  nurse,  attending  support  groups  and  social networking  on the internet can provide the support you need  to successfully  adjust  and  adapt  to life with  an ostomy.  Professional  counseling may  be  helpful  and antidepressants are sometimes  necessary.

Once  you have gone through these stages of healing and   education,  you   should   be  able   to  resume   an active,  rewarding  and full life. Thousands  of ostomates have returned to work, dating, playing sports, sexual intimacy,  having babies  and enjoying  life to the fullest. Your  ostomy  will  hold   you  back   only  as  much   as you let it.

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